I'm Shipping Up to Boston

Three and a half years ago I left Boston and moved across the country so my ex-partner could start her PhD at the University of Oregon. The moment we left Boston I knew I would return. I didn’t know when, I didn’t know how, I just knew that I loved that city too much to not get back to it someday.


Since then I’ve worked in Antarctica, lived through a global pandemic, got divorced, and hiked to Machu Picchu. Fast forwarding to a few weeks ago, I was offered and accepted a job to be the Executive Sous Chef at jm Curley, Bogie’s Place, and The Wig Shop in Downtown Boston.

The movers have been hired, the course has been charted, and come March 15th I will hit the road with my two dogs as we are going to be driving 3,200 miles across the country to move back to the city I consider my adoptive home.

I am extremely excited to start this new chapter in my life and I’m excited to be bringing you along with me. I plan to live stream as much of my drive as possible (cell signal permitting) so make sure to follow me on my Instagram to tune in whenever I go live.

Let’s do this!

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