I'm going to Antarctica!

After our six-week trip through Ecuador, Audrey and I got back to Boston, packed our stuff and moved literally coast-to-coast to our new home in Springfield, Oregon.


Earlier this year, I applied for a job as sous chef with the Gana-A’yoo Service Corporation (GSC), a subcontractor that provides several important services for the United States Antarctica Program (USAP).

Fast forward a few months and after several phone interviews, background checks, and rigorous physical exams, I am incredibly excited to announce that I have been offered the job!

I have been officially been deemed physically qualified to head down to Antarctica in the first few days of October to live and work at the McMurdo Research Base on Ross Island for five months.

While I’m away, Audrey will stay in our new home in Springfield as she settles in for her first year as a PhD student at the University of Oregon.

While in Antarctica, I will be writing as frequently as possible in the “Solo Journeys” section of our travel journals.

I am absolutely ecstatic at this opportunity and hope you all follow along!

Happy travels. Adventure is out there!

Luis Fayad