Going to Ecuador!

Both of my parents are from the small Latin American country of Ecuador. While visiting my family in the summer of 2013, a few months before Audrey and I ever met, I went backpacking through Ecuador in an attempt to stave off a bout of depression.

Ever since meeting Audrey, I have wanted to share this experience with her, and we now have that opportunity. As mentioned in a previous post, we will be moving to Eugene as Audrey begins attending the University of Oregon.

Although we won’t be moving until August, we are both leaving our jobs in late June to go down to Ecuador for six weeks!

Our plans currently take us from Boston on JetBlue Airways to Guayaquil, where most of my family currently lives. From there we will catch a flight to the Galapagos Islands for a week.

Upon returning to the mainland, we will travel through the country and, time permitting, possibly go to Machu Pichu and Lima in Peru.

Audrey’s sister Emily will be house sitting for us and watching Jaeger and Tessie while we’re away.

Happy travels. Adventure is out there!

Luis Fayad