Well-Rounded Traveling
“Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”
Traveling is a great way to get to better know yourself, but more importantly, travel is the best way to better get to know your fellow man. Nothing quite breaks down the barriers of prejudice like travel does. Immersing yourself in another culture, you very quickly realize that despite our superficial differences, deep down we are all the same.
Fun is definitely something you want to do when you travel, but you are doing yourself a great disservice if you only do things you're comfortable or familiar with.
Finding a balance is key. These are a few ways to find that balance.
1. Treat yourself
You're on vacation, you deserve a little luxury, so go out there and pamper yourself a bit: pepper in a nice dinner at fancy restaurants, don't be ashamed to stay in nice hotels sometimes, get that massage you've been wanting. Don't feel bad about spending a little extra money every now and then as long as you remember that there are several ways to splurge like a local.