El Gigante: The Breakfast Sandwich to End All Breakfast Sandwiches

I’m going to cut to the chase with this one: you are here for one of two reasons, either you had way too much fun last night or you are currently in the process of having a lot of fun and need that satisfying combination of salts and fats to cure your insatiable, alcohol or drug induced hunger.

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Unlike most of my recipes so far, this is not a convoluted dish with multiple elements to slap together on a plate. No, no. The goal of this dish is simplicity. The kind of simplicity required when one is drunk, high, or terribly hungover.


  • 3 strips thick-cut, cured Applewood smoked bacon

  • 2 slices thick cut brioche loaf bread

    • Brioche is the perfect bread for this recipe as it’s very porous, acting like a sponge which will make it absorb all that delicious bacon fat later when you toast the bread

  • 4 slices of American cheese

  • 2 large eggs (cage free if you’re feeling pretentious)

  • fresh ground black pepper


  1. Place the halved strips of bacon in a cold frying pan and set the pan over low-medium heat

  2. Allow the bacon to slowly render out all of its fat, flipping it and allowing it to continue to cook until it reaches your desired level of doneness.

  3. Remove the bacon from the pan and place it on a wire cooling rack with paper towels underneath but make sure to save the bacon fat still in the pan.

  4. Place your slices of brioche bread into the pan on low heat and slowly toast using the bacon grease in lieu of another source of fat

  5. After toasting one side of the bread, flip over and place two slices of American cheese on each toasted side of bread. This will cause them to melt while the other side finishes toasting.

  6. Set your toasted bread aside and using any remaining bacon fat, fry two eggs however you want them. I personally suggest over easy or over medium at most as the runny yolk adds moisture and texture to the sandwich but if runny egg yolk REALLY grosses you out, I guess you can cook it over hard or even scrambled.

  7. You shouldn’t need to season your eggs with salt as the fat from the bacon should still have a decent amount of salt in it but make sure to hit it with a little bit of freshly ground black pepper.

  8. Assemble your sandwich by placing the bacon on the cheese covered toast, followed by the eggs, and followed by the second piece of toast.

  9. Enjoy!

Luis Fayad