No-Bake Blueberry Cheesecake

Cheesecake is hands down one of my favorite desserts; sweet and tangy, smooth and creamy, cheesecake is great as a way to end a meal or to enjoy on it’s own to satisfy your sweet tooth. Cheesecake is not difficult to make but it’s also not the easiest to make either.

This no-bake version of this classic dessert makes it so easy you have literally no excuse not to try it for yourself!


Captain Crunch Crust


  • 5 cups Captain Crunch cereal

  • ¼ lb sugar unsalted butter


  1. Place cereal into a food processor and run on high until turned into crumbs

  2. Place cereal crumbs into a mixing bowl and mix in the melted butter and mix well

  3. Pour the cereal crumbs into the bottom of a 9 inch springform cheesecake pan and spread evenly. Use the flat bottom of a drinking glass to compact the crust as tightly as possible

  4. Place cake pan into fridge to let the crust set

Cheesecake Filling (Step One)


  • 1 lb cream cheese

  • 5 oz plain Greek yogurt

  • 1 pint heavy whipping cream

  • 3 TBSP lemon juice

  • Zest of two lemons

  • 1 ½ cups sugar

  • 1 oz unflavored gelatin

  • 2 pints of blueberries


  1. In a small sauce pan, add blueberries and ½ cup of sugar and put over medium heat, crushing the blueberries with a wooden spoon

  2. Allow simmer on low heat for five minutes before passing through a fine strainer and now you have your puree, (Make sure to save the pulpy bits for later!)

  3. While the blueberries and sugar heat up slowly, in a mixing bowl, combine sugar and cream cheese until smooth.

  4. In a separate mixing bowl, pour the pint of heavy whipping cream and whip until you get soft peaks with a hand mixer (or with a whisk if you want a work out).

  5. Mix in Greek yogurt, lemon juice, lemon zest, and fold in whipped cream into the mixture.

  6. Separate ⅓ of the cheesecake filling and set aside

  7. Fold in blueberry puree into the larger batch of cheesecake filling and incorporate well

  8. In a small sauce pan, add 1 oz of powdered gelatin and just enough water to dissolve and bring to a simmer for one minute.

  9. Add gelatin into blueberry cheesecake filling and pour on top of the crust in the mold

  10. Place into freezer to set for one hour

Blueberry Jelly


  • 3 cups water

  • ¼ cup granulated sugar

  • 1 pint blueberry

  • Leftover blueberry pieces from the strained puree you made for the filling

  • ½ oz powdered gelatin


  1. In a small saucepan combine all ingredients except for the gelatin and bring up to a simmer, crushing the blueberries with a wooden spoon

  2. After simmering for about two minutes, pass through a fine strainer, saving the juice and pouring it back into the sauce pan. Discard the thick blueberry pieces

  3. Bring juice back up to a simmer and whisk in the gelatin and simmer for another two minutes

  4. Allow to cool a little bit and gently spoon onto the first layer of cheesecake and spread it evenly

  5. Place back into freezer and let it set for 15-20 minutes

Cheesecake Filling (Step Two)


  • Remaining cheesecake mix

  • ½ oz of powdered gelatin


  1. In a small sauce pan, add ½ oz of powdered gelatin and just enough water to dissolve and bring to a simmer for one minute.

  2. Whisk gelatin into cheesecake filling and pour over the set layer of blueberry jelly

  3. Place in fridge and allow to set overnight

  4. The next morning, place the cheesecake pan onto a cake stand and with a cloth soaked in hot water, rub the sides of the cake pan to release the cake from the pan. Unhinge the spring on the side to open the pan and gently pull away, leaving the cake behind

  5. Garnish the cake with fresh blueberries and mint leaves

  6. Enjoy!

Luis Fayad