Italy, September 2018 (Final Entry)

On Friday night we decided that we would spend our last full day in Italy relaxing and taking it easy. With a full day of flying ahead of us the next day, we figured it would be good to have a leisurely day in Rome and see the few things we had missed.

We slept in until right around 11 AM and wanted to get lunch somewhere with good reviews. We cleaned up, got dressed and headed to Sapori e Delizie, just a ten minute walk from our hotel.

At noon, which was the restaurants scheduled opening time we were told by one of the staff inside to wait 10 minutes because they were running behind. We complied and crossed the street so as to not hover over them as they go ready. After ten minutes, we could see what seemed like the entirety of the staff out front smoking. Clearly they weren’t interested in our patronage so we left.

After a quick search on Google Maps, we found La Forchetta d’Oro just a short walk away. Like most other restaurants we experienced in Italy, service at La Forchetta was fact it was worse than what is usually expected in Europe. The server was very rude, getting into an argument with an older guest on the other side of the dining room, and generally being unwelcoming. Our food was not much better.


After paying for our meal we headed towards Trajan’s Market, the oldest “shopping mall” in the world, and then headed back towards the Trevi Fountain in the hopes that this time it will actually be operational.

We also stopped by the Spanish Steps. I have to say, they were slightly less than impressive considering their reputation.


We had an early dinner with Emily and decided to call it a day at that point. As I mentioned in one of our previous Travel Tips, you should make it a point not to wear yourself out by forcing yourself to do too much on any given trip. Audrey and I were more than happy with how our trip turned out. We saw almost everything we wanted to see, but also left enough for us to want to come back.

We said goodbye to Emily and headed back to our hotel to pack for our very early flight the next morning. Since our flight was so early, the train to the airport was not running at that hour so we had to take a cab. Taxis to the airport are very expensive and can run you anywhere between 50€ to 100€.

Italy is a spectacular country. The memories we formed here will last us a lifetime but we certainly can’t wait to go back!

Happy travels. Adventure is out there!

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